Estimados Hermanos
Les mandamos esta declaracion publica de la organisacion AUSTRALIA SOLIDARITY WITH LATINOAMERICA- ASLA. de la cuidad de Brisbane Australia.
Han salido publicados articulos en el diario de habla hispana y se han hecho actividades con Amnistia Internacional, se han hecho manifestaciones en diferentes cuidades de Australia y grupos de apoyo y solidaridad han distribuido informacion acerca de los hermanos en huega de hambre y acerca de la situacion de la Nacion Mapuche.
Queremos expresarles nuestro apoyo incondicional y nuestra solidaridad en estos momentos de lucha
Estamos atentos y activos a cualquier iniciativa, y esatmos estableciendo contactos con agrupaciones aborigenes australianas y sindicatos para unir esfuerzos y presionar al estado Chile que resuelva la delicada situacion que hoy afecta al pueblo Mapuche
Atentamente ASLA
September 11, 2010
Almost 60 days after Mapuche political prisoners initiated an indefinite hunger strike in CHILE, we are calling on support to demonstrate great concern for the health and wellbeing of 34 Mapuche, including two minors, who with this action, are resisting the continued injustices and disrespect of ongoing Chilean Governments, towards the Indigenous nation of Chile, the Mapuche.
This action is a last resort for the Mapuche people, who have over time attempted numerous negotiations with Chilean Governments on many levels. However, Chilean Governments continue to demonstrate their disrespect for Mapuche autonomy and land rights.
We denounce the current government of Sebastian Piñera and twenty years of pseudo democratic governments since dictator Pinochet left power. These successive governments have ignored the demands of the Mapuche people for justice, imprisoned their leaders and continued their policies which marginalize and repress Mapuche communities with such brutality as witnessed before and during the Pinochet dictatorship.
We condemn the Chilean Government, which applies anti-terrorist legislation to criminalise the Mapuche’s demands for land rights, quality of life, freedom, dignity and autonomy for their Nation.
We stand in solidarity with all Mapuche political prisoners. We support the petition of Mapuche political prisoners, to put an end to the unjust system they have been force to live in.
*Immediate intervention of the Chilean Government to comply with the demands of the Mapuche to end this action.
*Immediate recognition of Mapuche ancestral territories and land.
*Freedom to all Mapuche political prisoners.
*Stop the application of the Antiterrorist Laws against Mapuche people, in their demand for justice and self-determination.
*We demand a fair trial for Mapuche political prisoners kept in jail without sentence
*Stop the Military harassment of Mapuche communities.
*Stop the political persecution of the Mapuche Nation by the Chilean Government.
We call upon all social, political and worker organisations, to join us in solidarity and support the Mapuche political prisoners on their Hunger Strike, to support their demands for justice, self determination and freedom.
Freedom for all Mapuche political prisoners!
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